Cathy Ammirati

Middle School Journey Lead

Senior STEM Program Manager, Micron Gives

Cathy Ammirati works at Micron Gives, the Philanthropic Foundation of Micron Technology, Inc. Micron is a global semiconductor company headquartered in Boise, Idaho. In her role at Micron Gives, Cathy leads STEM programs to reach students that are underrepresented in STEM careers. Cathy worked at Hewlett Packard for 15+ years in engineering, marketing, and leadership roles. After leaving HP, Cathy pursued teaching and received her secondary education certification in mathematics. She was a teacher for one year before joining Micron Gives.

Cathy is passionate about helping students see a future for themselves in STEM fields. She holds Bachelor of Science degrees in Computer Science and Mathematics from Willamette University. Cathy was the only female in her Computer Science graduating class and while at Hewlett Packard, she was one of just three females in a team of over 50 engineers.  This fueled her desire to help more girls engage in STEM studies and pursue careers in the STEM field.

Role models are key to helping young people see what can be for their future. “You can’t be what you can’t see” is a guiding principle for Cathy. For girls, this means they must have opportunities to learn from and interact with other females in STEM roles. Creating those opportunities helps build a more diverse environment and promotes inclusivity in tech fields.