SheTech Explorer Day is a FREE, one-day career discovery day for high school girls.

Explore STEM careers in hands-on workshops taught by STEM role models

Get innovative with a real-world STEM problem solving challenge – including prizes!

Learn how to find, fund, and thrive in the right post-secondary educational opportunity

Meet dozens of real people and organizations working in STEM

Join Us for SheTech on January 28th, 2025 at the College of Idaho

8am – 8:45am: Check In

8:45am – 9am: Welcome

9am – 1:45pm: TechChallenge/Workshops

1:45pm – 2pm: Closing

Get Notified when Registration Opens OR Signup to Host a Workshop

Highlights from SheTech 2022

“I think I can do this. I think I can be a scientist.”

SheTech Participant

Students Across Idaho have Attended SheTech

“My favorite part was definitely the scholarship hacks. No one has ever explained those things to me, so it was extremely useful.” 

SheTech Participant


SheTech presents a wide range of career workshops – including many you may never have heard of – to expand perspectives on all that’s possible with STEM.

See below for examples of past workshops.

Working with Raptors

Working with Raptors will focus on different career options in wildlife biology and conservation. We will also talk about the science behind animal training and how we teach our birds to fly and come back to us. Finally, you can get nose-to-beak with two of our avian educational ambassadors and learn what makes them so cool! 

Human Psychology and Technology

Did you know that working in technology is not just coding? You don’t have to be a scientist or mathematician, come learn about how a curiosity about human behavior can propel you into important research and design roles in technology.

Learn, Design, Iterate: Using Creativity to Solve Real-World Problems

Everything you use, digital or physical, was designed by someone. Designers are in demand around the world and in Boise.  This hands-on workshop will take attendees through a typical design process starting with understanding the problem, rapid sketching, prototyping, and iterating on the design as new information comes in. By the end of the session, attendees will have sketched 2-3 iteration of an app or website.

Crash! Boom! OH NO! That Didn’t Go as Planned… Now What?

Discussing problem solving within the STEM realm. Including a hands on building activity focussing on structures and stress analysis.  Will the structures stand or will they “squish”?  Plus a robot demonstration by FRC team 5461 V.E.R.N.

Veterinarian for a day!

Students will learn what it means to be a veterinarian and how to become a veterinarian. They will also learn how to perform a physical examination, CPR, and some basic suturing techniques. Finally, we will work through a case of a sick dog and they will be responsible for finding the diagnosis.

Robots are the Future

Robots are the future workshopWe want our online purchases now! With companies like Amazon providing 1 hour delivery times, other online retailers are scrambling to keep up. Careers in robotics and industrial automation are two of the most in-demand fields for new graduates. Learn how automation is getting products to consumers faster. Learn about robotics with a hands on electronics activity you get to take home.

Tech Zone

The TechZone is a “trade show” where students meet 20-30 STEM companies, schools and organizations throughout Idaho.

Examples of past Tech Zone attendees:

  • Biomark
  • Idaho State Police Forensic Services
  • Idaho Power
  • Idaho National Laboratory
  • Women in Aviation
  • Micron
  • Boise Aquatic Science Lab
  • Intuit

Tech Challenge

The TechChallenge is a place to ideate, solve and pitch a solution to a real-world problem with the help of STEM industry mentors. 

Past challenge topics: 

  • Finding a solution to hunger during COVID 
  • Designing a better to-go container 
  • Lighting a room with renewable energy 

Educator Workshops

SheTech is a great place for educators to bring something new back to the classroom as well.

Past workshops included:

  • Grant writing
  • Design thinking

Are you an educator and want to see a particular topic at SheTech? Email

All genders and identities are welcome at SheTech.